Tula, HID
[HID stands for Hidalgo, the 7th Mexican state on bike. Â Maybe I should just spell states out, especially if I may only be writing one post from them?]
Today was a day of contrasts. Â I left Atlacomluco with an idea that it was going to be hectic. Â I had spend time online looking for information about a brand new highway that goes from Atlacomulco to Texmelucan, near Puebla. Â It was built so traffic could go around Mexico City, which is exactly what I want to do. Â However, the part from Atlacomulco to Jilotepec hasn’t been finished, and what I had read is that the opening of this segment is being eagerly anticipated because the tiny country highway that is the only other option is terrible. Â And I agree. Â Potholes, idiot drivers, absolutely no shoulder, barking dogs running after me. Â Awful architecture to boot (then again I was probably just looking for more reasons to hate this road).
I finally got to Jilotepec and found the entrance to the new tollway, which still hadn’t opened. Â I chatted with some of the engineers and they said go ahead! Â So I had a few miles of brand new tollway all to myself. Â Then I arrived to the part which is open, and took this the 12 miles to Tula. Â The shoulder seemed wider than the lanes from earlier today. Â But the problem is the bridges don’t have a shoulder, and traffic is so fast that it is hard to know if two trucks are coming behind you or not.
When I exited at Tula, the guard at the tollbooth told me that bikes aren’t allowed, so go around the side so the sensors won’t think a car went through without paying (the usual routine on tollways here in Mexico). Â I’m not sure I want to get back on the tollway, as the services on it are many miles apart and there is very little shade to rest under. Â On the other hand, I don’t know what the safest back roads are. Â I think I’ll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.
Dear Matthew,
I’m amazed at your tenacity in pursuing this goal! It is really fun to tell people about your trip because all are interested and blown away. I hope you sense the prayers of many people who are following your trip. Where do you plan to spend your birthday? When is the next time you’ll be someplace where mail can be sent? The traditional Irish blessing seems so appropriate for your journey: “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.†Love, Aunt Judy
Hi Aunt Judy! I’m very thankful for all the prayers and encouragement.
I’m not sure yet where I’ll be on my birthday but most likely in Oaxaca. I’m not sure when the next place to receive mail is, but I’ll let folks know once I figure something out.
Dear Matthew, congratulations on your journey so far. My oh my, what a trip. Matt, how well we remember when you were born. You were wrapped tightly as they do newborns in Mexico (and elsewhere) and I got to hold you. Now, twenty some years later it is your birthday tomorrow (2/24) so Happy Birthday and many more. Barb’s is on the 22nd. Love, Dan and Barb
Glad to see you are arriving in our former city of Oaxaca! Hope you can relax for a couple of days with friends there—or maybe even hope a bus for Huatulco before getting back on your bike. I stayed a night with your folks and brother. Had not seen Carlitos since our days in Mexico nearly 6 yrs ago now. Keep safe and Keep rolling along!
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy (late) B-Day! It has been great keeping up with your adventures and pretending for 5 minutes every now and again that I am not sitting in front of a computer in chicago! Can’t wait to see all the photos. Safe Travels!
Happy Birthday, off to a saxophone concert with your parents tonight!!!