Goodbye Chicago

I finished up at work just over two weeks ago so that I could have more time to enjoy time with friends in Chicago, and to pack up my life and be ready to be gone for a year and a half.  Time has flown by, I’ve been thinking about this trip for over a year and now it is happening.  I’ve been blessed with an outpouring of support from my friends and family, and I don’t think it has fully sunken in that I’ll be away from you all for so long.

It is now 5 am the birds have been chirping for a few hours already.  I’ve been up all night finishing packing.  Now all that is left is to go to Union Station in downtown Chicago.  I’ll be taking the Amtrak to Portland, arriving Tuesday morning.  I am looking forward to the layover in Minneapolis, where I expect to meet up with my relatives for a little.

Once in Portland I’ll meet up with my parents and hang out with them for a day.  Then I’ll leave on bike with Luke and ride for a few days to the Olympic peninsula.  After that I’ll spend time in Seattle until I fly to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska with my bike at the end of June.  I will then begin my journey southward, with the goal of finishing at Ushuaia, Argentina.

No doubt you have many questions about the details.  Well, so do I!  I hope to update when feasible and let everyone know what life on the road is like.

Although I had grand plans for a slick blog, I’ve been busy with more important things like biking and haning out with friends.  For now it will be pretty simple, I may get around to some improvements later on.

I’ll be on the train for the next two days, so feel free to follow my twitter updates.

Welcome, and please come back often!

5 comments to Goodbye Chicago

  • Care Bear

    Suerte hermanito! :0)

  • Awesome man. Seriously awesome. I’ll be following you closely. Any chance of a map showing the route you’re going to be taking?

  • Tania Medina

    Matthew that is amazing… Te deseo muchisima suerte, ya sabes estaremos siempre pendientes de todo. Take care. Luv ya!

  • admin

    Thomaso, you can see a route at
    I’ll try and update the map with my actual route while I’m on the road.
    Karen and Tania, thanks for the well wishes!

  • Herve Calderon

    Mateo. Soy Herve vecino de tus papás en Arboledas. Espero te recuerdes de mí. Tu mamá me platicó de tu proyecto y me dio mucho gusto. Te deseo lo mejor. Pocas gentes tienen el valor de realizar sus sueños. Haz el tuyo realidad!! No importa que no llegues a tierra del fuego y decidas quedarte en cualquier punto del camino. Lo importante es hacerlo. Estaremos en la casa el seguimiento de tu avance.
    De nuevo felicidades. Next message will be in English.
    Tu puedes!!!! Hervé

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