¡Hasta luego México!

I got to Mexico over four months ago, but have been off of the bike for at least two of those months. A week in the Copper Canyons, a couple days in Mazatlan, 3 and a half weeks in Mexico City and Veracruz, 10 days in Guadalajara, a week in Morelia, a week in Cholula, a week in Oaxaca City, a week in San Cristobal. It has been slow going at times, and once in a while I’ve questioned my decisions to be off the bike so long. But the sights I’ve seen and the people I’ve met are a reminder that I’m making the most of the trip only when I don’t feel rushed. A difficulty of the trip is feeling content in a place and wondering what is the point of biking to somewhere unfamiliar down the road.

I was quite behind on uploading pictures from Mexico, but they are all up on my flickr site now. The descriptions of the pictures are still lacking, and I’ll be telling some more stories about them later. But for now I’ll let them speak for themselves.  A few new albums (click on thumbnail to see pictures).  Pictures have also been added to the albums listed on the Gallery page (food, signs, campsites, touring cyclists, etc).

Urique, Chihuahua Urique Canyon

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Guadalajara

Michoacan, Mexico Michoacan

Muchos Mexicanos Muchos Mexicanos

Puebla, Mexico Puebla

Oaxaca, Mexico Oaxaca

Chiapas, Mexico Chiapas

Mexico Mosaico Mexico Mosaico

I’m only 50 miles away from the Guatemala border, and should be crossing it tomorrow.

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